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Jaymie LeNeave

My name is Jaymie. My full-time job is a wine tasting room/sales employee in the Santa Lucia Highland in Central CA. When I have free time, I am always outside seeking new adventures, I snowboard, ride horses, barrel race. I also have four children I have raised on my own, who are all doing extremely well in life. Can’t wait to promote these wonderful products. As I believe in them and the company. 

Reason to join the ORORO Squad

I researched the brand thoroughly, and I love what quality it is, as well as what the company stands for.

What’s your favorite thing about ORORO?

The quality of products

What are the best 3 words to describe yourself?

Enthusiastic, driven and motivated

Please share a short story about an important challenge that you've overcome (in your life, hobby, or profession)

I was a single parent for a lot of years, and worked very hard to make sure they had all they needed. Dedicated my whole life to them, but they are grown now and are doing very well. So I have accomplished something, out of a story I overcame. It’s my time now how to shine. I believe this company will do it, I believe in the products so much.

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