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Meurig Morgan

My name is Meurig and I am lucky enough to live in the PNW where I enjoy nothing more than the outdoors and exploring new places. The family enjoys being active together whether its snow activities, hiking, wight water rafting, camping or rock climbing.

I run my own golf academy near Portland, OR and I really enjoy working with and developing junior golfers.

What’s your favorite thing about ORORO?

Style and warmth!

What are the best 3 words to describe yourself?

Outgoing - I am a pretty social person and enjoy meeting new people

Energetic - I cannot sit still and always need to be doing something

Adventurous - I’m open to trying new things out, visiting new places and trying new activities

Please share a short story about an important challenge that you've overcome (in your life, hobby, or profession)

I took up skiing in my mid 30's as my two kids and my wife wanted to make it a winter family activity. My wife had been skiing since she was a kid and my twins took to it really well.

It was a struggle for me the first year and was stuck on the bunny slopes most of the time. As a competitive athlete and person I got incredibly frustrated seeing other people fly down these slopes with what looked like ease.

On the final day of skiing that year, I tried a few bigger runs, broke the bindings and had to walk from the middle of the mountain all the way down to the base. I got so frustrated I almost gave up. My son gave me a pep talk on the way home and said "Daddy don't give up, you can do this."

Seven years later (a few more falls including a broken shoulder and arm), I've become an avid skier and now snowboarder (last season). I’ve competed in a few races and absolutely love flying down a mountain with my family.

"If you put your mind to it you can accomplish anything" - Doc E. Brown

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