I ride horses at the upper levels of a sport called eventing, which is essentially a triathlon on horseback. Because of the intensity and requirements of the sport, the horses and I are almost always training all year(except for some minor recovery breaks). Even on the days we aren't training, the horses still need to be taken care of, which is where my ORORO gear comes in handy, especially in the cold and snowy northeast Ohio winters! I don't get to just stay inside and have a "lazy day" if we get five degree temps, they still need to be fed and taken care of.
After being gifted an ORORO vest for Christmas, I've worn it every day this winter since then! Not only does it keep me warm, but it is also perfectly designed with the fit and the battery placement so that I can ride and not be restricted in my movement!
Pictured in my profile is one of my boys, Jack, who has the absolute biggest personality I've ever met in a horse! He has an opinion about pretty much everything, although he has earned that opinion by successfully going around the top level of the sport. He is more experienced than I am, so I am super excited for the opportunity to learn from him and refine my skills at the upper levels even when he gets sassy and tells me I'm doing something not to his liking!
Reason to join the ORORO Squad
It was a Christmas present from my mom and now that I've experienced it, I'm always wearing it!
What’s your favorite thing about ORORO?
Aside from being able to stay warm during the many hours I spend in a cold barn, it may sound a little strange, but I actually love the placement of the battery pack! It is honestly the best place for an equestrian, out of the way of our high motion and high contact areas — yet still easily accessible.