Jamie Sinclair
Jamie Sinclair
  • Curling
Ottawa, Canada |  

What activity do you use your ORORO most often for? 

Curling and ice fishing


Most recent ORORO Product

Women’s Heated Fleece Jacket

I grew up in a military family. We moved around a lot, but one thing we always did was curl on Sundays at the local Curling Club. In 2015, I tried out for the USA National Curling Team and was fortunate enough to make the team. I have been on Team USA ever since. I'm a 3-time National Champion, Olympic Trials runner-up and World Championship 4th place finisher. 

Reason to join the ORORO Squad

It was recommended to me.

What’s your favorite thing about ORORO?

I 100% believe in this product.

What are the best 3 words to describe yourself?

Competitive, Passionate, Driven.


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