Working with CORE Response as They Lead National COVID-19 Testing Efforts

CORE in heated apparel

“Thanks to ORORO for providing CORE with hundreds of heated vests for our Frontline workers. We’re eternally grateful for the donation that has kept our staffers warm throughout the winter as we served Angelenos.”

COVID-19 has presented us with a mess of a year. Yet there are those that continue working hard to help others during these trying times. 

CORE, founded by Sean Penn, is a national community organized relief effort dedicated to providing support and resources to marginalized, vulnerable communities and areas affected by disaster.

With the long hours and incredible volunteer effort being put into making COVID-19 testing accessible to underprivileged communities, we wanted to give back to the CORE COVID-19 testing teams. 

heated vests for los angeles charity for COVID

So we sent them hundreds of heated vests to help provide lasting warmth on-the-go for volunteers working long hours in the middle of winter. We were more than happy to bring comfort and warmth in response to the peace of mind the CORE teams are bringing to those who have been overlooked, especially in this unprecedented time.

Thanks again to the CORE team and their continued work to be a pillar of support in communities across the nation. 

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